Shake Junt Reynolds 1″ Pro Phillips Bolts
The Boss AKA Andrew Reynold’s pro bolts for the legendary Shake Junt, the Shake Junt Reynolds 1″ Pro Phillips Bolts come in black with two magical gold bolts for good luck, and the rad packaging includes a free Shake Junt sticker which just by itself is almost worth purchasing the bolts for! High quality Phillips head bolts from Reynolds and Shake Junt, perfect for the riser-less setup.
Born out of the Baker Skateboards family, Shake Junt was created by the homies for the homies, and is one of the most popular brands in skateboarding thanks to their iconic graphics and fun approach to apparel, hardware and skate videos. Say Shake Junt three times in the mirror and Beagle will appear to give you a three-part handshake.